In this high demand world, where consumers are the king to every business, halal food industry is also on the rise globally. Food producing companies are now becoming much more aware of the significance of halal certification on their product especially due to the growing population of Muslim community in the world. Be it the grocery home delivery malaysia, halal food outlets in America or even halal dairy products from New Zealand, these food suppliers are taking a wise step in ensuring the demand of their customers are being fulfilled thoroughly, no matter what religion and beliefs they are applying into their life. Halal label and certification are now two of the most prominent factors which needed to be taken seriously by food manufacturers in order to not lose any of their Muslim clients.

So, what is the importance of getting halal certificate for your manufactured products? First and foremost, it is for the food to be listed as high quality ones as it is not easy to meet the standards set by the authority foundation. Therefore, it is a very prominent tool that can be used by traders from all over the world to get verification from their own customers as the utmost quality standard is already being labelled on their products. This is one of the reasons why halal certification is on the rise in so many countries nowadays. One of the main Halal certification bodies which is known globally is called GIMDES from Turkey. They have been exporting so many products to various countries due to the high quality standard which should be met under their surveillance. Therefore, their export rates bolster up day by day as over 250 companies are getting their products halal verified by GIMDES.
What about the conditions required for a product to be labelled as halal? First and foremost, the company who wishes to get its product verified, needs to download the application form from GIMDES. The company will need to complete the application form before the information is being reviewed by the GIMDES Board review. Initial audit inspection shall be conducted soon. After full surveillance and review, both parties can then sign the contract for auditing purposes. The audit process will begin on its company’s facilities. GIMDES representatives will then conduct an initial inspection of the plant. Next is to inspect whether the company establishes all requirements being mentioned by auditors. This result will be reported by GIMDES Technical committees. And only then, halal certification shall be given. The last but not least is the follow ups by Halal Assurance System to ensure that the company is still maintaining the required standards on post-certification days without informing the company beforehand. This is to ensure honesty in their business conduct.
All in all, it is not an easy process for one’s product to get verified by a certain halal body as the company will need to fulfil the requirement and standards being set up by the body itself. This proves how halal certificate products are of high quality and thus, explains why it is on the rise in the world market nowadays.